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Bootie Game Baby shower game from 1947
Nancy Ann storybook doll blonde hair 5"bisque 1940's in original outfit.
Nancy Ann storybook doll black hair 5"bisque 1940's in original outfit.
Milk Glass syrup pitcher with hinged lid
Pineapple Romanian crystal vase
Pineapple Romanian handcrafted crystal bowl
Louie duck Donald Duck's nephew
Huey Donald Duck's nephew
Campbell Soup Kid doll in Scottish Kilt
Freindly Hills tennis club drinking glass
Pyrex coral cup and saucer
19th century 10" stoneware vase
Vintage Toyo art pottery vase
12 miniature Christmas candle holders
Carnival glass footed candy dish with lid amber/ blue
Bronze by Guttner "Woman in Winter Coat"
Antique Dancing Celluloid Girl
Fire King Mallard Duck Pheasant Mugs
Thanksgiving three tiered server
Lenox Southern Vista China place setting