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Pyrex Pink Gooseberry Refrigerator Set
Pyrex Primary Mixing Bowl Set
Pyrex Train Children’s Mug
Chili Pepper Salt and Pepper Shakers
Shawnee Pottery Piggy Bank
Belleek Bacchus Pitcher
Pyrex Spring Blossom Mug
American Heroes Fire Dept Belt Buckle
Birmingham Vanity Jar
Czechoslovakia Floral Teapot
Etched Glass Bell
Crystal Althea Biscuit Jar
Retro Lemonade Carafe
Formulette Glass Pitcher
Stephen King The Tommyknockers First Edition book
Antique Picture Frame
Whiting & Davis gold mesh bandana necklace
Barbie Batgirl MIP
Pyrex 403 Spring Blossom Bowl
Self Hypnotism Toy