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Art Deco Waterfall Dresser
Bronze Door Knob Plates
Garfield McDonald’s Drinking Glass
Chinese Hot Chocolate Pitcher
Hand Painted Pottery Pitcher
MCM Studio Nova Creamer & Sugar
MCM Hand Blown Vase
Antique Celluloid Frame
Hammered Copper Bowl
Celery Dish and Salt Cellar Set
Pink Pyrex Casserole #232
Pyrex Crazy Daisy Sugar Bowl and Creamer
Pyrex Blue Snowflake Sugar Bowl and Creamer
Pyrex Crazy Daisy Butter Dish
Pyrex Pink Gooseberry Refrigerator Set
Pyrex Primary Mixing Bowl Set
Pyrex Train Children’s Mug
Chili Pepper Salt and Pepper Shakers
Shawnee Pottery Piggy Bank
Belleek Bacchus Pitcher