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Blue polka dot oval dish made in Poland
Pyrex Laurel Leaf Mugs
Wedgwood Contrast Mug
Ballet Oval prints
Mid Century Salad Bowl set
Shields Black Dresser Box
Green Glass Bowl
Carnival Glass Bowl
Amber Clamshell Salad Bowl
Globe Bookends
Art Deco cedar chest with lock removed
Art Deco Serving Dish
World of Barbie pink case
Disneyland Main Street Railroad Station Red Blueprint Mug with D Handle RARE
Happy Holidays Barbie MIB
Uptown Chic Barbie MIB
Jewel Princess Barbie MIB
Midnight Waltz Barbie MIB
Barbie as Scarlett O'Hara GWTW MIB
Barbie as Scarlett O'Hara GWTW MIB