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Barbie #1629 "Skater's Waltz"
Barbie #1821 Underliners
MCM Japan Ashtray
Mahogany Night stand or end table
Campbells' Soup bank with doll
Campbells' Soup bank with doll
Chinese Snuff Bottle
Mattel Ken Fashion Avenue MIP
Barbie #965 pink robe
Art Deco Waterfall Four Poster Bed
Pyrex Blue Striped bowl #403
Barbie Ballerina #989
Barbie #1955 Superstar red gown
Barbie #1416 Wedding Dress
Royal Quiet Deluxe Typewriter
Barbie #1454 dress
Skipper Happy Birthday #1919 dress and shoes
Galaxy Murano Art Glass Bowl
Mid Century Salt and Pepper Shakers
Chip & Dip bowl